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CACH syndrome

Engelsk navn: CACH syndrome Engelske synonym: Childhood ataxia with diffuse central nervous system hypomyelination,Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter,Myelinosis centralis diffusa
ORPHA-kode 135

Koden er hentet fra orpha.net

ORPHAkodene er mappet til den internasjonale versjonen av ICD-10. Denne kan avvike fra den ICD-10-koden som brukes i Norge.


Orphanet sitt klassifiseringssystem har tre nivåer for å organisere de sjeldne diagnosene: Group (gruppe), disorder (diagnose) og subtype (undertype).


A new leukoencephalopathy, the CACH syndrome (Childhood Ataxia with Central nervous system Hypomyelination) or VWM (Vanishing White Matter) was identified on clinical and MRI criteria. Classically, this disease is characterized by (1) an onset between 2 and 5 years of age, with a cerebello-spastic syndrome exacerbated by episodes of fever or head trauma leading to death after 5 to 10 years of disease evolution, (2) a diffuse involvement of the white matter on cerebral MRI with a CSF-like signal intensity (cavitation), (3) a recessive autosomal mode of inheritance, (4) neuropathologic findings consistent with a cavitating orthochromatic leukodystrophy with increased number of oligodendrocytes with sometimes ``foamy'' aspect.
Informasjonen om denne diagnosen er hentet fra Orpha.net.

Mer om diagnosen

Du finner mer informasjon om denne diagnosen på siden til Frambu kompetansesenter for sjeldne diagnoser. Frambu er et nasjonalt senter for sjeldne diagnoser. Kontakt

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