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STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy

Engelsk navn: STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy Engelske synonym: SAVI
ORPHA-kode 425120

Koden er hentet fra orpha.net

ORPHAkodene er mappet til den internasjonale versjonen av ICD-10. Denne kan avvike fra den ICD-10-koden som brukes i Norge.


Orphanet sitt klassifiseringssystem har tre nivåer for å organisere de sjeldne diagnosene: Group (gruppe), disorder (diagnose) og subtype (undertype).


STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy (SAVI) is a rare, genetic autoinflammatory disorder, type I interferonopathy due to constitutive STING (STimulator of INterferon Genes) activation, characterized by neonatal or infantile onset systemic inflammation and small vessel vasculopathy resulting in severe skin, pulmonary and joint lesions. Patients present with intermittent low-grade fever, recurrent cough and failure to thrive, in association with progressive interstitial lung disease, polyarthritis and violaceous scaling lesions on fingers, toes, nose, cheeks, and ears (which are exacerbated by cold exposure) that often progress to chronic acral ulceration, necrosis and autoamputation.
Informasjonen om denne diagnosen er hentet fra Orpha.net.

Mer om diagnosen

Les mer om diagnosen på SSD sine sider. Senter for sjeldne diagnoser er et landsdekkende og tverrfaglig kompetansesenter lokalisert ved OUS. Kontakt

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