Severe intellectual disability‑progressive spastic diplegia syndrome
Engelsk navn: Severe intellectual disability-progressive spastic diplegia syndrome
Engelske synonym: CTNNB1 syndrome
A rare, genetic, syndromic intellectual disability disorder characterized by intellectual disability, significant motor delay, severe speech impairment, early-onset truncal hypotonia with progressive distal hypertonia/spasticity, microcephaly, and behavioral anomalies (autistic features, aggression or auto-aggressive behavior, sleep disturbances). Variable facial dysmorphism includes broad nasal tip with small alae nasi, long and/or flat philtrum, thin upper lip vermillion. Visual impairment (strabismus, hyperopia, myopia) is commonly associated.
Fra Orphanet
ORPHA: 404473
Klassifiseringsnivå: Disorder
ICD-10: G80.1